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ICBC Slovenia Science &Technology

Writer's picture: CannabisdejureCannabisdejure

On 13 September, Peter Homberg spoke at the ICBC Slovenia Science &Technology in Bled about "Medical Cannabis in Germany". 

Since 1 April 2024, the partial legalization of recreational cannabis in Germany has come into force with the Cannabis Act (Cannabisgesetz, “CanG”). With the Medical Cannabis Act (Medizinisches Cannabisgesetz, “MedCanG”), the CanG has now also created its own set of regulations for medical cannabis. In regulatory terms, this essentially means adopting the provisions of the Narcotics Act (Betäubungsmittelgesetz, “BtMG”), although it also contains important changes: Among other things, the BtM prescription and other bureaucratic requirements are no longer required. The MedCanG also contains significant changes for companies that will cultivate medicinal cannabis in Germany in the future. The new legal situation has also already had a significant economic impact, which is reflected in a strong upturn in the medical cannabis market. The presentation focused on these and other developments as well as potential further effects in the Medical Cannabis Market in Germany and Europe.



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